Bhagavan Sri Ramakrishna Janma Tithi was celebrated on 21st February 2023 with special puja, homa, bhajans and lecture on the Life and Teachings of Sri Ramakrishna. All the devotees partook of the Prasad in the noon. After Sandhya Aarti special bhajans program by the Chennai music team was organized...
Sri Shiva Ratri was celebrated on night of 18th February with special puja, bhajans, palabhishekha by devotees and Shiva dance by our hostel boys. All the devotees partook of the Prasad after the puja.
Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi Janma Tithi was celebrated on 15th December with special puja, homa, bhajans and lecture on the Life and Teachings of Holy Mother. All the devotees partook of the Prasad in the noon. In the evening 25 tailoring machines were distributed to the needy women. After Sandhya A...