
The photograph of a monk in a Tamil daily stole his heart; he was thrilled by the speeches of the monk. It was none other than Swami Vivekananda, the Lion of Vedanta. Sri Naidu was overwhelmed by the essence of Sawamiji's message. The service mentality in him began to bloom. He gave away all his wealth to the poor around. He memorised Swamiji's speeches. Clad in saffron and sporting a turban, he dressed up like Swamiji andreproduced these speeches in Tamil, with verve and gusto to an ever-increasing audience. He would conclude, "So said Swami Vivekananda in America". It was much later that he came to know of Sri Ramakrishna.
Thus was sown the seed of the Ramakrishna Order in North Arcot District of Tamil Nadu out of the many Vivekananda Societies started by Sri Naidu and his friends, the one at Nattarampalli alone has become a full-fledged Math.
Three singularly like-minded brothers, Sri C. Samundi Gounder, Sri R.Thayappa Gounder, Sri R C Hanumantha Gounder and Sri R C Vadigi Gounder donated a piece of land. A small building was erected with the financial assistance of Rs 500/- each from Sarva Sri Venkatasamy Naidu, Chamundi Gounder, Mylarampatti Gounder, Thayappa Gounder and Rangasamy Naidu. Today the Math is a sprawling complex of more than three acres.

Swami Abhedananda

Swami Sivananda
Swami Vishuddhananda
In and around Nattarampalli there is no area of service where the imprint of the Math cannot be seen. To cite a few:
- Spiritual Activities
- Rural Charitable Dispensary
- Free Cataract Eye Surgery Camp
- Sri Ramakrishna Vidyalaya Matriculation School
- Free Tailoring Training Classes
- Free Tuition Centres
- Welfare activities
For almost a century now, this center has been serving Nattarampalli and the hundred odd surrounding villages in all spheres, be it flood/ drought-relief, hygiene and health care, family welfare, orphan-care, education, employment and womens' empowerment, etc. It strives towards achieving overall rural development true to its motto - 'For one’s own self realization and for the good of the world'. (‘Atmano mokshartham jagaddhitaya cha’ – the thumb rule given by Swami Vivekananda.)