Blog tagged as Photos

Inauguration of AI enabled Interactive Panel Smart Board

Inauguration of AI enabled Interactive Panel Smart Boards for 10 classrooms of our School was done on 05.03.2025 Wednesday at about 11 a.m. The boards was inaugurated by the respective class teachers. 

5 nos of Board were sponsored by M/s Shriram Chits (India) Pvt. Ltd, Chennai and 

another ...

07.03.25 08:30 AM - Comment(s)
Sri Ramakrishna Jayanti Celebration on 01.03.2025

The 190th Jayanti Day of Bhagavan Sri Ramakrishna was celebrated in our Math on 01.03.2025. The forenoon programme consists of Mangala Arati, Veda Parayanam, Bhajans, Special Puja, Home, Spiritual Discourse etc., 

In the evening, after Sandhya Arati, Special Bhajan was performed from 7.00 to 8.3...

04.03.25 09:19 PM - Comment(s)
Free Cataract  Surgery Eye Camp - 16.02.2025

We have conducted the 18th Free Cataract Surgery Eye Camp with the support of Chennai Aravind Eye Hospital on 16.02.2025. 270 patients were checked; subsequently, 72 were operated on for cataract in an eye hospital, and 43 were given spectacles. May Sri Ramakrishna bless them all!

26.02.25 03:38 PM - Comment(s)
43rd School Annual Day on 07.02.2025

Our Sri Ramakrishna Vidyalaya Matriculation School 43rd Annual Day was celebrated on 07.02.2025. Photos are attached. Our profound thanks and regard  to all our Sisters and brothers of our School who untiringly worked many days for the success of the wonderful day. May Sri Ramakris...

24.02.25 07:33 PM - Comment(s)
Swami Vivekananda Jayanti

We celebrated Swami Vivekananda Jayanti on 21st January 2025 with the active participation of our teachers, students, devotees, and the general public. 

The morning programme included Mangala Arati, Veda Parayanam, Special Puja, Sri Ramakrishna Ashtotara Nama Archana, Homa, Discourses, Pushpanja...

29.01.25 05:43 PM - Comment(s)
76th Republic Day at our school 

26th January 2025 - Our Nation's Republic Day was celebrated with usual enthusiasm and joy. Teachers and Children have given a nice cultural programme. Finally, all were given sweets. We remembered reverentially the great leaders of our nation on this memorable day. 

Jai Hind! Bharat Mata ki Jay...

26.01.25 09:55 PM - Comment(s)
National Youth Day at our School

Swami Vivekananda's Birth Day was celebrated in our School as "National Youth Day" with Dance, Drama, Speeches and other cultural events related with Swamiji on 11.02.2025. All the Teachers and Children were given books containing Swamiji's inspiring words. Jai Ramakrishna!

25.01.25 08:19 AM - Comment(s)
Free Cataract  Surgery Eye Camp - 19.01.2025

We have conducted the 17th Free Cataract Surgery Eye Camp with the support of Chennai Aravind Eye Hospital on 19.01.2025. 199 patients were checked; subsequently, 39 were operated on for cataract in an eye hospital, and 41 were given spectacles. May Sri Ramakrishna bless them all!

24.01.25 09:26 PM - Comment(s)
Parent Teacher Meet - 04.01.2025

We have conducted Parent Teacher Meet in our School on 4th Jan 2025. Almost 600 parents came to meet the Teachers with their wards and understand the details of the progress of their academic and other excellences.  Jai Ramakrishna!

24.01.25 07:30 AM - Comment(s)
Kalpataru Day -SRKVM School - 31.12.2024

Kalpataru Day was celebrated in our School on 31.12.2024 for our staff. Bhajan, Reading from the book "Sri Ramakrishna the Great Master", talk on Kalpataru Day consists of the programme and it ended with distribution of Prasadam to all. Jai Ramakrishna!

03.01.25 10:05 PM - Comment(s)